Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Your Clients Are At Risk

Most advisors are aware that their clients’ retirement portfolio is likely full of risk.  The four most common risks everyone talks about are:
  • Longevity Risk
  • Interest Rate Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Tax Risk

But do your clients know about the 5th retirement risk?  This is the worst one of all because most people don’t talk about it or even acknowledge its existence until it’s too late. There is a wolf hiding in the shadows ready to pounce and destroy your clients’ retirement distribution strategies.  So what is it???

The risk of long-term care is the 5th and “hidden” risk to the clients retirement portfolio. Most American’s simply stick their head in the sand and avoid the issue. But with today’s advanced solutions you can show them how to resolve this issue with “discounted dollars” with zero risk. 

Table Bay Financial advisors are prepared to help tackle the 5th retirement risk for their clients…are you?

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