Friday, April 1, 2016

Winning The Sales War

Table Bay Financial has the great pleasure of working with and consulting with successful advisors throughout the country. The truth is, we all want the same thing…we want a greater level of success.

Everyone’s definition of success may be slightly different… some advisors with whom we work want a higher level of personal income, some are focused on building a more efficient business, and some just want more free time to enjoy the successes they’ve worked hard to achieve.

There are only three ways to increase your level of success. When I share these three variables with advisors with whom we consult, there’s usually an instant moment of clarity. The irony is that these three success variables aren’t earth shattering, but having a clear understanding of the impact they can have on the bottom line is essential.

Success variable #1 – WALLET SHARE - if you get more wallets share from the clients you currently have and from prospective clients, you’ll obviously drive more premium and increase your income. This is accomplished by adding products and services into your overall mix.

Success variable #2 – INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES - in baseball terms, this is simple… The more at-bats that you get, the more hits you will get. In business terms, this is marketing. Get in front of more people. Frankly, this is one of the biggest things we work with advisors on – helping them create effective marketing campaigns to increase their opportunities. As much as we hate the cliché that “it’s a numbers game,” guess what… It’s a numbers game!

Success variable #3 – INCREASE CLOSING PERCENTAGE – if we want to stick with the baseball analogy, this is about getting in the batting cages working on your approach at the plate in order to increase your batting average. In business terms, this means becoming a more effective rainmaker – closing more opportunities.

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