Friday, March 25, 2016

10 Reasons You Need to Be In Vegas

  1. Bill Harris will share sales concepts that will skyrocket your annuity and life sales and you will also receive a FREE copy of his bestselling book.
  2. Would you like to be on local TV 2-3 times per month as a retirement distribution strategy expert? We can make that happen and it will cost you nothing!
  3. Hear how to tap into the exploding 401(k) rollover market. Two of our speakers will share with you their proven systems that have resulted in millions of sales.
  4. With 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring daily they face a daunting task of fending off the 5th retirement risk. Resolve these for your clients by learning the latest on creating sustainable retirement income streams.
  5. Our session on the Broker-Dealer of the future will focus on the most important issue facing the investment advice industry today: the Department of Labor’s rule to raise investment advice standards for retirement accounts affecting millions of American workers and retirees.
  6. As women plan for retirement, they need advisors who understand their unique challenges and concerns. Two top female advisors will share their secrets to successfully engage and advise women on retirement.
  7. Do you know how you will evolve your value proposition to address the need for retirement income? Our President and 2014 Advisor of the Year will share how advisors can evolve and thrive.
  8. You’ll see a wonderful presentation highlighting the risks that retirees face in the later years of their retirement and present solutions to minimize of eliminate these risks.
  9. Our Director of Advanced Markets will demonstrate how to retire tax free through a tremendous presentation on tax efficient retirement planning.
  10. You want to learn about an exclusive new marketing system that can make your sales grow quickly and assure that 2016 will be your best year ever – GUARANTEED! Other Financial Marketing Organizations promise marketing results… WE have a proven formula that can deliver.
Call Samantha Mayer today to register! 866-225-1786 ex. 315

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